Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15, 2010

BTK here. I thought it would be appropriate for the "taxman" to have a post on tax day..

Ah.. dear readers.. some of you may need a bit of background to support that assertion. You see I have done what I do in the same industry for 42 years now. While it is not my day-to-day pursuit in my current position, I have an industry reputation as an employment tax expert which is based on some 30 of those years spent studying IRS and state documentation and implementing systems and procedures which compute and report on payroll taxes while making sure the computations are accurate. So on the day when you all must settle up with the IRS and your state(s), I just want to say this. If the systems I have helped to build, support and calculate have touched you, in some small way, I hope they helped you to make proper tax decisions for your family. I strive every day to make sure that every paycheck my calculations touch is as accurate as I can make it.

With the current jobs bill legislation on the table, new calculation challenges are presented. I am already working with a team at my company to make sure that we deliver understandable and accurate computations to support the new hire tax breaks provided to employers.

Happy Tax Day.... (appropriate "TaxMan" Beatles music plays here)

Beyond that ....... since last time.

Family is fine. BW and BP, together again as they were meant to be, bonding as brothers are supposed to do.

Remodeling moves forward. The back brick-paver patio has been deconstructed and the new support lumber (6 x 6) is in place and leveled. The bricks will be reset (I get to help with that 'cause that's a tedious sittin' job that I don't mind) once the deck base is re-leveled and supported with sand and pea gravel. So, BTK is on the clock for that.

I continue my advocacy class at Hadley School for the Blind. I want Bella, my god daughter-to be, and I to have all of our guns loaded (with knowledge). Combined with the knowledge from her parents, K & C.. She will blow the world away. I guarantee.

I think I had mentioned a while back that I was physically challenged myself. I also think I promised to explain "later". Well, now is later. I was born, like Bella, physically challenged.

Some history is in order. I was born with cerebral palsy, affecting only my legs, and leaving untouched my arms, voice, brain, speech, etc. from a medical perspective, a mild case of the disease at best. I have married, raised a family, held a job and conducted a fairly productive life for my 62 years. Looking back, my challenges are nothing compared to what baby Bella might face.

When I found her story, through her supermom's blog, I was "inspired and touched beyond words". Through my life I have received boundless help from my parents, my siblings and medical professionals, too many to count, to achieve the life that I have accomplished today.

We all know the phrase " paybacks are a bitch". When I met little Bella through her parents, C & K, I knew that she and I were going to be friends for life. I am challenged, she is challenged more. But guess what, we'll deal with it together. I'll kick the doors open that she can't see and and she'll tell me about the doors that I don't acknowledge are there because her sixth sense will always keep us safe. Good team she and I.

As always, I've rambled too long. But, if you're here, you knew that anyway.

Thanks for reading ... your comments are welcome

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